Monday, December 26, 2011

Holliday Weekend equals lots of TOR

I finally got to log onto my Bounty Hunter and play!

I still have to restart the game every now and then, but the load screen issue is now almost non existent. What was the solution to this problem you ask?

I just had to turn off Steam. Apparently, that was what was causing my issues. I wish I had known that sooner. Damn it.

Anyways, on to my Bounty Hunter tales and exploits. I finished Tatooine and moved on to Alderaan. When I first arrived I was like "Oh cool, something that looks different." I must say that Alderaan is a beautiful zone. I must also say that there are some very frustrating quests and areas here. I do not like running around for over and hour on one quest trying to figure out where the hell I need to go.

Once I completed my class quest, I decided to get the hell off of that rock. I ended up at Tanis for my next area. So far so good.

The class story absolutely rock, and is perhaps my favorite part of the game. It really makes you feel badass.

On a side note, the Galactic Market sucks. I can not see anything unless it is horribly underpriced. At least I am keeping up on my professions I guess.

How was your weekend?

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